How SPARA Works
How SPARA Works
Probability Theory – "Any event or action which occurs periodically or continuously over a period of time results in a pattern which is a function of probability"
This theory translates into the underlying concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and in turn of Predictive analytics.
Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics plays a huge part in SPARA . SPARA naturally synchronizes itself into a user's biological clock and hence is able to blend naturally into the user's daily routine. The concept behind SPARA is to use this synchronous symmetry between humans and machines to understand the characteristics of the person and use this data to save power when it is not required.
SPARA starts off by working like any other power management solution, by waiting for fixed time intervals before taking any power management action. During this time, it takes snapshots of the system calendar as and when events are triggered. Once a reasonable data set is collected, the AI engine crunches through the data to understand if there is any recognizable pattern in the user.
Once found, this pattern is extrapolated forward to create what we call a prediction chart. The prediction chart will recognize probability of power wastage with respect to the time of the day. On completion of the chart, the goal of the AI engine shifts from creating a chart towards optimizing it. Further patterns are also added to this prediction chart, identifying the probability of power wastage with respect to the time of the day. On completion of the chart, the goal of the AI engine shifts from creating a chart towards optimizing it. As time passes and more information is gathered, further patterns are also added to this prediction chart.
Once a prediction chart is available, a detailed power management profile is generated to each user based on their chart, which dictates how prepared the system should be during different times of the day.
This forms the power management profile. The user profile is optimized daily, developing a continuously varying and self correcting power.
Because of the way SPARA works, users also avoid the "irritation factor" where which a system which runs on other power management mode goes into a power saving mode while in action. SPARA is able to understand that the system could still be in use even though there is no interaction between the user and the system. Eliminating this can have a huge impact since statistically, it is the biggest reason most people disable power management software. Moreover, it also ensures that power cycling does not happen, preventing long term damages to the hardware.
The system takes into consideration the preferences or policies which are set by the administrator while finalizing on the power management profile thus allowing for the administrator to get involved in how the power is managed. This ability of SPARA makes it a system administrator's best friend.
Unlike any other system in the world, SPARA allows users to create "DO NOT" rules which asks the system not to do something. This is particularly useful when the system has to be kept on, regardless of its usage statistics.